Work Packages
WP1 Project Management and quality assurance Overview
WP1 provides a framework for efficient and effective communication between consortium partners, efficient financial administration of project resources, the on-time release of deliverables respecting project constraints and ensuring quality results, monitoring of partners activities and timely conflict resolution. The WP is organized in 3 main Tasks, one specific for the project coordination and management, including administrative and financial management, the second for promoting and maintaining scientific integration and keeping track of technical implementations and the third to ensure quality and risk management are in place and is tracking technical as well as management risk during the whole project (risk management plan). Project Management will apply the IPMA management methodology and best practices.

WP2 Retrospective data harmonisation and LETHE design
WP2 aims at harmonize the data of persons with increased risk of dementia (at-risk populations, persons with SCI or MCI) from clinic-based study populations, population-based settings and lifestyle trial, and to clean and align the datasets and to provide input for the model building in WP3. WP2 provides and analyse retrospective data for the LETHE prediction model suite, draw up specifications and requirements for the overall system, design the architectural components, define the concrete interoperability scenarios and, last but not least, design the adoption of the standards to be used to represent and exchange of information and data within the project.

WP3 AI-based personalised risk prediction
WP3 provides an initial model suite for progression of dementia indicators as well as related risk factors based on retrospective clinical data. It includes the implementation of a simulation module that employs the prediction models to simulate changes in dementia prognosis based on theoretical changes of single lifestyle attributes (diet, smoking, sleeping etc.). The aim is to provide models for better understanding and indications of early warning signs of dementia as well as models which obtain individualized intervention priorities that would most effectively lead to a decline of dementia related endpoints as well as general risk factors.

WP4 Behavioural change and intervention framework
The aim of the WP4 is to define and design all modules for the intervention according to the pathway defined in WP3 and implement modules to apply innovative behavioural health change methods. Within the WP4 we will implement activities related to the design and deployment of the active and passive sensing ecosystem of LETHE solution providing data in the five intervention domains and gathering progress, changes and activities in these domains. Moreover, the objectives of the WP4 are to gain insight into the relevant determinants of the subject behavior change and to define the most appropriate behavior change methods relevant to the lifestyle-based intervention schemas.

WP5 Data Collection and Big Data Framework
WP5 aims at setting-up the Big Data Open Framework (BDOF) for the LETHE project integrating tools and services released by European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The LETHE Big Data Open Framework provides the resources and services for hosting the core modules of Data Lake and Data warehouse for the LETHE project. The BDOF will be used for collecting the vast amount of semi structured and unstructured data from the mIoT and wearable devices and increase their utilization across different cases and scenarios, with respect to legal, security, and ethical aspects. Furthermore, the BDOF will facilitate the analysis of medical data-sets (e.g.: semi structured and unstructured data) and contribute to the early prediction of dementia related risk factors in the elder people. The resulting cloud-based infrastructure for predicting dementia related risk factors will be finally integrated in EOSC.

WP6 Data Protection and Ethical Impact
WP6 is devoted to the establishment, monitoring and implementation of all ethical and legal provisions needed to ensure safety of study participants and researchers, data privacy and security in line with National and EU regulations.
The overall objective of this work package is to ensure that personal data is being processed lawfully and fully compliant with ethical and legal regulations. The objectives are, in particular: identification of relevant legislation and other legal sources; analysis of legal issues and requirements to be considered for LETHE; development of a privacy framework including safeguards and remedies for the issues identified.

WP7 Evaluation and validation study
The scope of WP7 is to validate the developed LETHE ecosystem in 80 participants in 4 geographically different European sites while comparing this kind of intervention to a control group with 80 participants with a self-guided multimodal intervention. WP7 includes all the necessary activities for the organization, setting and deployment of the validation trial at the pilot sites including the preparation of a protocol, ethical committee approval, pilot set up with implementation of ICT based lifestyle intervention, management of conduction of the validation study at the different pilot sites as well as the analysis of study results.

WP8 Health literacy and uptake measures
Within WP8 we envisage the development of an ICT toolsets to improve citizens awareness, knowledge and attitude towards dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevention as well as toolsets to support healthcare professionals in the interpretation of multidimensional data for personalized early risk prediction models, and in the communication and coaching of citizens.

WP9 Innovation, Dissemination and Exploitation
WP9 aims at performing a coherent Innovation Management process, allowing to create a bridge among the R&D activities and the potential market possibilities and encourage the development of further outcomes in new initiatives and prepare the ground for the exploitation of project’s results. Communication and Dissemination activities are planned to ensure maximum visibility of the project and timely diffuse the research, scientific and technological knowledge generated in the project within and beyond the project’s consortium.

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405