Multi-domain intervention trials in prevention of Cognitive Decline
Did you miss out on our recent webinar on the 13th of December titled Multi-domain intervention trials in prevention of Cognitive Decline? Don't...
The Lethe Webinar Series
We are proud to launch the third event in the Lethe webinar series! The upcoming webinar is titled "Beyond the hype: AI in dementia - from early...
A Successful Event in Orvieto: MCI and Alzheimer – Current Trends and Future Perspectives”
On Saturday, November 30, a remarkable event took place in Orvieto focusing on "MCI and Alzheimer: Current Trends and Future Perspectives". Among...
Lethe Webinar Series: Digital Solutions to Reducing the Risk Factors Causing Dementia – The Lethe Approach
We are proud to share the video from the launch of the Lethe Webinar Series. During these events we discuss the various different aspects of the...
Register now for the first Lethe project webinar!
We are proud to launch the Lethe Webinar Series. During these events we plan to discuss the various different aspects of the projects and share the...
The fourth Nordic Memory Clinic Conference (NMCC 2024) was held in Stockholm on October 10-11, 2024, organized by the Karolinska Institutet
The main focus of the conference was the discussion of new disease-modifying treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Topics covered included the current...
The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405

The LETHE-Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405